H.J. Martin and Son Hires Angela McNitt as Interior Designer
Posted on July 14, 2015 by H.J. Martin and Son
H.J. Martin and Son welcomes Angela McNitt (Ver Duin) to its design and sales team of 13. She will be working at the company’s Green Bay showroom assisting customers.

McNitts’s favorite part of her industry is the customers she gets to work with and she anticipates doing just that at H.J. Martin and Son.
“I really enjoy getting to know my customers,” McNitt said. “It helps me create a space that reflects their personality.”
McNitt received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Interior Architecture from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.
H.J. Martin and Son looks forward to her future with the company.
Tags: Angela McNitt, Angela Ver Duin, Appleton, Green Bay, Interior Designer, Neenah, New Designer, New Hire